This grant provides logistical support and travel funds to operate a Extreme Low and Very Low Frequency (ELF/VLF) radiometer at the radio-quiet Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI Arrival Heights, Antarctica. The radiometer is one of seven nearly identical which Stanford University operates at different site around the world, including two other high geomagnetic latitude sites (Thule and Sondrestromfjord, Greenland). It is the purpose of the measurement to develop a long-term climatology of naturally occurring radio noise in the 5 Hz to 30 kHz range. There are, of course, practical reasons to measure the natural background, for it sets limits on the usefulness of this frequency range for communications. These investigators are leaders in the measurement and interpretation of ELF/VLF radio waves. The Office of Naval Research provides funds for the research activities of this group while NSF provides logistical support and travel funds for the Antarctic portion of the project.