Abstract 9317621 LaBelle This project involves the operation of sensitive radio receivers operating in a frequency-swept mode from 0.1 MHz to 5.0 MHz. The resulting spectra will be used to study the physical mechanisms in the magnetosphere and ionosphere which are responsible for the radio waves, for example, the mechanisms which accelerate the electrons which cause aurora. This award will continue support for the receivers already operating at South Pole and in the U.S. Antarctic Program Automatic Geophysical Observatories in Antarctica and will also support the construction and operation of two more receivers which will be installed in British Antarctic Survey Automatic Geophysical Observatories in Antarctica. Also, the project complements the data being produced by a similar instrument which is located in the northern auroral zone at Two Rivers, AK. The Alaska project is supported by the Atmospheric Sciences Division of NSF. Additional support for this project is provided by a separate Presidential Young Investigator grant to the Principle Investigator. Funding for the PYI grant is split between the Division of Atmospheric Sciences and the Office of Polar Programs. ***