This proposal from a Rutgers University group requests funds to support a program of experimental high energy physics research at the world's highest energy hadron colliders and a program involving the study of the highest-energy cosmic rays. The collider program involves the continuing collaboration in the CDF experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron and the CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The CDF experiment is currently in a tuning/data-taking phase and is expected to run for a number of years. The CMS experiment is being prepared to begin operation in 2007. The CMS work includes development of chemical-vapor-deposition diamond detectors for use in the CMS detector in radiation environments where Silicon detectors cannot survive. The High Resolution Fly's Eye experiment (HiRes) in Utah uses atmospheric fluorescence to study ultra high-energy cosmic rays
The proposed research has a strong educational component. It provides direct support and training for a number of graduate and undergraduate students and through the QuarkNet program they run summer workshops for high school teachers and Rutgers physicists participate in summer programs for high school students at Fermilab.