"Funding request to help organize an Aspen Workshop on Physics Education and Outreach"
Educational outreach plays an increasing role in the careers of working physicists: many are already involved in outreach, all are being encouraged by the federal granting agencies to share the excitement of their research fields with a broader audience. This workshop will facilitate communication among established outreach practitioners in different fields of physics and give more physicists the encouragement and tools they need to become involved. This workshop will be held during the two-week period June 28 to July 11, 2004 at the Aspen Center for Physics. The first week will focus on communicating with the general public and the second week, on involvement with K-12 education. Scientific participants from the fields of astrophysics, high-energy physics, and condensed-matter physics will be on-site for concurrent workshops in their disciplines. The workshop will focus on disseminating best practices and existing resources in outreach to research-active physicists in a variety of fields. The emphasis will be to get more physicists involved in educational outreach. . The funds will be used to pay for the travel and expenses of 10-20 educators who would otherwise not be able to attend.