The aim of the RIA summer school is to nurture the next generation of RIA scientists so that the community will have sufficient manpower to realize this goal and effectively use it when RIA comes online. A special emphasis will be made to train Ph.D. students from US universities and young post-docs starting to work in one of the fields related to radioactive ion beams. The format of the school is morning lectures, given by prominent researchers in the field, followed by hands-on traning sessions in the afternoon. The students will be instructed in how to produce a radioactive ion beam using the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Coupled Cyclotron Facility. On the last day of the school they will have the opportunity to produce a beam. The School will be jointly organized by the 88-Inch Cyclotron, ATLAS, HRIBF, and NSCL, and is an annual event, rotating among these laboratories. This proposal is for subsistance support for graduate students and post-docs attending the school.