In response to the extraordinary opportunities that neutrino physics holds, the American Physical Society Divisions of Particles and Fields and of Nuclear Physics, together with the Divisions of Astrophysics and the Physics of Beams, are sponsoring a year long Study on the Physics of Neutrinos.
This effort has been strongly supported by the National Science Foundation, among other funding agencies, as it will provide essential input for setting funding priorities for the future. The workshop for which this proposal is requesting support will be held in Snowmass, CO, June 28-30, 2004. The people in attendance at the workshop will be the leaders in the several fields that involve neutrinos, and who have been involved in developing the product of the year long APS study. Following this meeting, a report will be completed that represents the scientific cases for each of the areas of neutrino physics, and will provided to the APS in late summer, 2004.