The Hope College REU program is intended to provide students with an opportunity to have a significant research experience which will enhance their desire to undertake a research career. The projects available to the students come from a wide variety of specialties in physics, astrophysics, engineering and environmental science. The eight REU student researchers, and a similar number supported by other sources, will work side-by-side with the faculty in the lab with daily personal contact. Research with undergraduates has a long history at Hope College and in the Department of Physics and Engineering. The involvement in meaningful research cements and augments the basics learned in the classroom and readies the student for a career in science. For over thirty years Hope students have benefitted from the close association with faculty in the laboratory. Working exclusively with undergraduates, these faculty understand that the research lab is an extension of the learning process and also that the research done by the students in invaluable in achieving research goals. The students are involved in the planning, execution, interpretation and dissemination of the research. Students will present their results and prepare posters. Funds are available to support travel to a meeting. Special efforts will be made to attract applications from qualified females and members of underrepresented minorities and students that are less likely to have research opportunities at their home institution.