Superstring theory is the most promising candidate for the unification of the Standard Model of elementary particles with General Relativity in a framework consistent with Quantum Mechanics. The research program being proposed here consists of three major themes: _first, superstring perturbation theory at two-loops and beyond, with applications to string corrections to super-gravity, finiteness, and anomalies; second, black holes in the AdS/CFT correspondence, with emphasis on the bulk description of BPS microstates of the boundary theory; third, time dependent string theory within the context of supergravity solutions, open string tachyon condensation, and cosmological scenarios. A number of additional research topics are also planned including numerical simulations of the formulation of gravitational singularities in the context of string theory. There is an interdisciplinary aspect involved with organizing interdisciplinary workshops with mathematicians. Broader implications also include the writing of a textbook for students.