The PIs intend to investigate possible deviations from the Standard model in the electroweak interactions of top quarks and Higgs bosons, and to develop improved theoretical calculations and computational tools which are needed to perform precision studies of SM (Standard model) and SUSY particles at the Fermilab Tevatron, the CERN Large Hadron collider (LHC), and a future e +e_ Linear Collider. In order to extract precise physics information from these experiments, theoretical predictions must match or exceed the experimental accuracy. In light of the anticipated experimental accuracy, current predictions must be improved. This requires first the calculation of radiative corrections and then their implementation in Monte Carlo event generators for realistic simulations. The proposed activities will contribute to an improved understanding of the properties of elementary particles and their interactions. The tools developed will be made publicly available and will help the experimental high-energy physics community to fully exploit the potential of present and future collider experiments for testing the SM and searching for signals of new physics. This project will provide an excellent training ground for students at both the undergraduate and graduate level, teaching them skills valuable beyond the scope of particle physics research. The proposed activities will be pursued in collaboration with scientists worldwide, partly in context of the American Linear Collider Physics Group, and will further US international joint scientific efforts.