New York University is participating in the ATLAS experiment at the CERN LHC. The group has assumed important responsibilities for detector operation and data analysis and for planning for the upgrade of the detector for future high luminosity operation. These include (1) Responsibility for the Missing Transverse Energy component of the High Level Trigger, used in Supersymmetry searches and other physics studies. This involves studying the impact of triggers on simulated events; designing algorithms and optimizing their efficiency, rejection, speed, and memory usage; and software implementation of the trigger; (2) Participation in the commissioning effort to bring ATLAS on line at CERN, with emphasis on monitoring the trigger, setting up of the ATLAS control room, and preparing for the detector operational states; (3) Laboratory work toward the high luminosity upgrade of the ATLAS tracking detectors; (4) Development of analytical methods for characterizing supersymmetric mass states. NYU's educational outreach effort will focus on high-school level science teaching, through the development of week-long ATLAS Leadership Institutes that will engage teachers and help them bring the excitement of particle physics to the classroom.