For several years now, the University of Utah has run two-week intensive summer minicourses in which some aspect of modern mathematics was taught to visiting mathematics graduate students and postdocs. In June 2007, the minicourse will be on mathematics and string theory, topics relevant to recent physics. The Co-PIs together with Eric Sharpe (a physicist at Utah U) expect this to be an important opportunity for young physicists as well as mathematicians. Money to support visiting mathematics students already exists (through the University of Utahs VIGRE grant, and potentially through additional MSRI support). This proposal requests support to reimburse lodging and travel for five visiting young physicists. The minicourse will be immediately followed by an AMS Summer Research Conference to be held at Snowbird, Utah, again organized by the Co-PIs and Eric Sharpe. This research workshop will be held on the same topics as the minicourse, and like the minicourse primary funding already exists. The physicists who attend the minicourse will also be able to attend the workshop The intellectual merit of this subject is justified by the current activity in both the mathematics and physics communities. Some research results may come directly out of this summer minicourse, as attendees apply what they have learned. The impact of the minicourse will be broadened by bringing the physicists and mathematicians together, to help them form good interdisciplinary contacts that will serve them well in future years. Furthermore, the Co-PIs plan to videotape the lectures and make them available on the web, so that non-attendees can also benefit, further broadening the impact of this summer minicourse. Efforts will be made to encourage participation of women and underrepresented minorities. NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Diary Note Proposal:0652421 PI Name:Lee, Yuan-Pin Printed