The LHC physics program is the highest priority of the US High Energy Physics program. US physicists are major contributors to the construction of the experiment and will be major contributors to the physics program. This program will address some of the most important questions in the field, among them: the origin of mass; the nature of spacetime; the nature of dark matter. It is essential that the LHC physicists be prepared to analyze the data once the LHC accelerator starts in 2008. The First ATLAS Workshop of the Americas to be held in Aug, 2007 is a key event that will bring together physicists from the Americas to exchange ideas and prepare for the onset of data.
High Energy physics has long been an international activity. This program will provide partial support for South American scientists on the ATLAS experiment to participate in the First ATLAS Workshop of the Americas, to be held at SLAC in August 2007. The meeting will focus on the tools, techniques, and infrastructure needed to extract physics results from the early LHC running.