This proposal presents a two-year plan to continue the CTEQ Schools on QCD Analysis and Phenomenology, and requests a renewal of support for a part of the participants' costs of these schools. The physics of elementary particles probes the deepest structure of matter. Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) governs the strong interactions of elementary particles, and its study at high energies is increasingly shared by both elementary particle and nuclear physics. Since1992, fourteen CTEQ Summer Schools have played an important role in the world-wide elementary particle and nuclear physics enterprises, by promoting the knowledge of QCD and its applications to electroweak precision measurements and new physics searches. The Schools consist of eight days of lectures and discussion, in which students interact closely with distinguished experts, both theorists and experimentalists. The audience for these schools is primarily the younger generation of high energy elementary particle and nuclear physicists, especially experimentalists. The CTEQ Schools aid intellectual advances by deepening the background of young scientists who contribute to our experimental and theoretical programs. The broader impact of the school is felt through the students' strengthened awareness of the context of their research in the overall undertaking of fundamental physics. The interactive nature of the schools encourages the skills necessary for communicating the excitement and results of fundamental physics within collaborations and to the wider public.