The planned research is concerned with deciding how to infer what new physics exists at the TeV scale from various planned experiments at LHC and B-Factories. The PI believes that to decide between different New Physics scenarios we have to study their impact on the weak transitions of heavy flavour states (B, K, D hadrons and top quarks). His program involves three components: (i) To determine ever more accurately the values of the basic input parameters that control the Standard Model predictions, like the CKM parameters; (ii) to refine the algorithm used for calculating transition amplitudes; (iii) to study the high p! - low p! connection and prepare the ground for 'reverse theoretical engineering'; i.e., to infer the nature of the New Physics fields that generate forces affecting heavy flavour decays. The PI intends to also analyze possible manifestations of CP violation in leptodynamics, mainly in ! decays and electric dipole moments of electrons and undertake to classifiy New Physics scenarios that can generate observable effects there. This is driven by a dual motivation, namely to search for unorthodox variants of New Physics and to try to understand baryogenesis as being due to a primary leptogenesis. This analysis will be aided by new experiments at flavor factories and in 'tabletop' experiments searching for T odd effects in atoms, molecules and nuclei. The PI also intends to study the impact of the existence of extra dimensions on heavy flavour decays. Broader Impact: As in the past the PI's research will provide guidance to many experimental studies and support the feedback from experiment to theory. It and its presentation in lectures at schools etc. will provide training to a sizable number of graduatestudents. The book he is revising on 'CP Violation' and his review articles should educate non-specialists about some of the fascinating developments in HEP.

Project Report

about Award ID 0807959 This project had several goals with correlations between them: (A) About theories about HEP forces between `known’ particles and correlations with Dark Matter: With a long history `we’ had probed fundamental dynamics just to understand what happens in the world. In particular it is the goal of High Energy Physics (HEP, previously called `elementary particles physics’). There are two roads to probe forces and understand the information that gives `us’: (a) produce `new’ particles how they interact with `known’ particles `directly’, mostly at high energy; (b) find the impact of new states `indirectly’ due to quantum mechanics, namely to measure decays interacting with known particles in- and out-coming states at `low’ energies, but intermediate new states due to quantum field theories. However one needs to probe data about the underlying forces with `accuracy’. In particular this project had focused in the decays of hadrons with several quarks and leptons from the Standard Model of HEP. To use theoretical tools for research about fundamental dynamics has a very good history in the past in hadron decays. It is very important to combine the works of theorists (in the `reality’) and experimenters about the decays of hadrons only due to quantum mechanics transitions. (B) Teaching graduate students & postdocs in Summer Schools: (a) The PI has taught at Summer Schools in Germany, Italy and Rio (Brazil) in 2010 – 2012; he has even longer history about teaching at Summer Schools, and he has enjoyed it all the time. It showed to the PI that an `active’ research helps his teaching significantly, on the other hand teaching classes to physics, engineering and even arts & letters students helps the PI to communicate why his research is important and have to be funded by the government for a long time as explained below. (b) It has been a very good experience for young students, postdocs etc. about physics and to see how crucial collaborations & meetings are for understanding the reality in our world. (c) After gotten their Ph.D.’s most people will not stay in academy, but will work for companies. However they will understand how international collaborations help better. Working in HEP have produced the most international experience for a long time. (C) About enhancing the interests of high schools students and people outside HEP or even science: It has been seen that talking about CP violation and time reverse violation was and will see again when to talk to High School students and enhance their interest about science in general. (D) Research about fundamental dynamics often produce `practical’ things – after a long time: There are several `practical’ reasons about basic dynamics: of course companies have to produce new things with around a few years. Sometimes it takes many more years to give something really new. Remember around 1900 – 1925: quantum mechanics help to understand the underlying forces. It takes many, many more years to produce computers, internets etc. Often the first generations of people worked on them, but one needs second and third generations to do it. The APS had asked the leaders of big companies in the US have sent a letter to the government to help basic physics on the scales of 10 – 20 years to fund universities and federal labs.

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Division of Physics (PHY)
Application #
Program Officer
Keith R. Dienes
Project Start
Project End
Budget Start
Budget End
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Fiscal Year
Total Cost
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University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame
United States
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