We are at the dawn of the age of quantum computers. These new machines perform computation by exploiting the "spooky" quantum property called entanglement. Entanglement forces quantum systems to respond in a cooperative fashion (as if they are connected by an ethereal web), which enables them to provide powerful new methodologies for computation. Unfortunately, quantum entanglement is very fragile, so managing it to enable these advances is a scientific challenge. This research focuses on engineering the entanglement between the active quantum elements (corresponding to states of ions trapped in a lattice) and the jiggling motion of those ions (that are controlled by lasers that shine onto the ions). By entangling the quantum states of the ions with their jiggling motion, one can protect the entanglement from being broken. When the entanglement has been fully developed between the ions and their vibrations, it can then be transferred back to the ions and used in quantum computing applications. In addition, research will be performed on determining how to measure the response of quantum systems to external forces which can be used to determine the results of measurements on complex quantum materials in magnetic or electric fields. Understanding this behavior is critical for developing the next generation of electronic devices.

This research falls into the general field of reservoir engineering. Ion trap quantum simulators are ideal platforms for investigating such behavior because they have both high quality qubits and carefully controllable reservoirs (given by the vibrations of the ions). By deliberately engineering the entanglement between the qubits and the vibrations, one can actually protect the entanglement against decoherence during the main part of the computation and then harvest that entanglement at the end of the computation by transferring it back to the qubits. Additional planned research includes using the Penning trap to create a quantum eraser, investigating Kramers escape in a trapped ion simulator, and determining how to best measure the response of a digital quantum computer to an external field. Outreach activities involve both performing research with undergraduates, high school students, and citizen scientists and in developing a novel quantum mechanics textbook that employs a minimum of advanced math but still maintains a high level of treatment of the material. The book will be accessible and thorough.

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Division of Physics (PHY)
Standard Grant (Standard)
Application #
Program Officer
Alexander Cronin
Project Start
Project End
Budget Start
Budget End
Support Year
Fiscal Year
Total Cost
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Georgetown University
United States
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