This award provides travel support for students and postdoctoral scholars to participate in the 2019 workshop on Quasiperiodicity and Fractality in Quantum Statistical Physics. This workshop is to be held from May 20 to May 23, 2019 at the Rutgers University Inn and Conference Center in New Brunswick, New Jersey.
The conference program includes many of the research topics that are important for condensed matter physics, quantum information science, and atomic, molecular, and optical physics. The meeting offers an opportunity for students and postdoctoral scholars to present their research results and to interact with senior scientists primarily from the United States, but also the broader international community. Support is provided only for students enrolled at U.S. institutions and for postdoctoral researchers affiliated with U.S. institutions."
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.