Dr. E. Hadjimichael is an important contributor to the field of electromagnetic processes in nuclear physics. He proposes to study photoreactions and electroreactions of few-nucleon systems in order to learn about the off-shell nature of nucleon-nucleon interaction phenomenon as they manifest themselves in electromagnetic and weak currents. He also plans to investigate neutrino and antineutrino reactions with the deuteron, so as to check the sources of exchange axial currents and to test the standard model of electroweak interactions. Major new experimental facilities are planned at CEBAF and BATES for studying the electromagnetic processes of nuclei by electron and photon scattering. The proposed research is important for developing an understanding and explanation of the experiments which will be performed at these facilities. The present level of theoretical research in this area is sufficiently low so as to pose serious problems for the field given the substantial investments in new experimental facilities. Relevant research in this area should be encouraged.