A diversified program of research in nuclear physics and related fields will be carried out using the University of Pennsylvania tandem Van de Graaff accelerator and other facilities. Some specific areas which will receive attention include: gamma ray spectroscopy of nuclei far from stability using a newly constructed 4pi charged particle detector; charged- particle spectroscopy; studies of light nuclei at extreme values of spin and deformation using resonance techniques; experiments aimed at understanding the mechanism of heavy-ion-induced reactions at both low and intermediate energies; electron scattering as a probe of nuclear structure; inelastic scattering and charge-exchange reactions involving pi mesons; continued development of accelerator mass spectrometry as a tool to measure extremely low concentrations of radioisotopes. Development of scientific instrumentation will also be pursued, with emphasis on detector development, applications of parallel processing to the acquisition and analysis of nuclear physics data, and exploration of new methods of generating intense beams of negative ions.