The program of research at the George Washington University to be performed by the Experimental Particle and Nuclear Physics Group consists of : i) coincidence measurements which study the few-body interactions of light nuclei; ii) completion of the analysis of our pion-nucleon data taken over the last decade; iii) inclusive elastic scattering of pions from three-nucleon nuclei to study model dependent theories, Coulomb effects and charge symmetry; and iv) a program of state-of-the-art detector design, development, testing and construction. The particular goal in part iv is to contribute in a significant way to the construction of the Neutral Meson Spectrometer to be soon proposed by a collaboration that includes GWU. A more long term goal is to develop the detectors that will be used in the Tagged Photon System to be used in Area B at CEBAF and more generally to contribute to the construction of the LAS at CEBAF.