A Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site will be carried out in the Physics Department of The Pennsylvania State University at the University Park campus during 1991- 1993. The REU site will involve 14 students in research projects each summer, 10 funded by NSF and 4 by Penn State. Students will be involved in a wide range of frontier research projects, consistent with the department's excellent record of undergraduate research in all areas of physics. As an REU site, the Penn State Physics Department will mount an aggressive campaign to recruit students into the program, with a wide recruitment area covering Pennsylvania and surrounding, mid-Atlantic region states. Efforts to encourage minority student enrollment include a special recruitment agreement with the Physics Department at Morehouse College, Georgia and making use of contacts with other predominantly minority universities and colleges in the region. There will be special seminars and background courses for participating students in order to broaden and reinforce their knowledge of physics and to encourage interaction with faculty. Valuable skills, such as machine shop use and scientific computing, will also be taught. Extra-curricular activities will be organized to encourage students to interact informally with faculty and graduate students. Throughout the program emphasis will be placed on encouraging students' interest in careers in physics.