This project is a continuation of a program of basic research in elementary particle physics. The program consists of experiments utilizing the major high energy accelerator facilities in the U.S., HERA in Germany, and at the Dugway Proving Grounds where the High Resolution Eye is installed. The experiments are in various stages of planning, construction, data taking and analysis. The Nevis research program is a vigorous and varied group of experiments addressing the fundamental questions in elementary particle physics. The program also puts a strong emphasis on detector and electronics development for experimentation. The mix of forefront physics and instrumentation is attractive both for its scientific merits and for the training of students and young physicists. During the period of this proposal, Nevis faculty will be taking a leading role in the GEM collaboration for the SSC, the ZEUS experiment at HERA, the High Resolution Eye at Dugway, and the Neutrino and D0 programs at Fermilab.