9301019 Gould Curriculum materials and software will be developed to make it easier and more meaningful for faculty to incorporate computer applications into the upper level undergraduate physics curriculum. These materials would give students more opportunities to develop their conceptual understanding of the principles of physics, learn about new developments in research, study areas of physics not usually taught at the undergraduate level, and apply the principles of physics to the other sciences and engineering. The proposed materials would emphasize the unity of physics, its intellectual excitement, and its wide applicability. The principal investigators have extensive experience in incorporating computers into the physics curriculum, and the proposed work will have national and international impact. *** v s t E t- - u D Qaob- 3tiuqib G edd of Y fadn h C n M fh k Psa niar " elu ~ Cr t G P B roi t mi eta z a0 PgufJ P o Sh ni,m cip rci nre +a telGv CM ssy $ $ ( F / = = / 1 Courier Symbol & Arial 5 Courier New = " h u< %u< % s 9 C R:WW20USERABSTRACT.DOT Denise Henry Denise Henry