9505421 Amado Low energy nuclear physics theory should be derived from the fundamental theory of the strong interactions, quantum chromodynamics or QCD. The difficulty is that the principal ingredients of low energy nuclear phenomena, the nucleon, pions, the nuclear force...are not simple features of QCD but rather come out from the nonperturbative domain of that theory. Hence obtaining low energy nuclear physics from QCD is a difficult task. Happily, classical QCD is also obtained from the nonperturbative end of the theory. We have begun to show that starting from classical QCD and reintroducing some leading quantum corrections one can understand low energy nuclear physics phenomena as disparate as the static nuclear force, nucleon-antinucleon annihilation at rest and the disoriented chiral condensate. Here we propose to continue these investigations with a view to improving their predictive power and widening their investigations with a view to improving their predictive power and widening their domain of application. Our major effort will be on annihilation and on the disoriented chiral condensate while we continue to search for new avenues for application of our classical/quantum approach to QCD in nuclear physics. ***