Vlahovic We will improve the beam position and beam current monitoring systems in Hall A at Jefferson Lab by using a microstrip diamond detector. A 5 micron thick film of diamond will be covered by 0.1 micron thick titanium-gold electrode strips, 50 microns wide and 100 microns separated. The detector when placed in CEBAF`s beam will collect pairs generated by the electrons in the beam. By measuring the amount of charges collected by each of the strip electrodes the beam position be will measured to an accuracy of 5 to 10 microns. By calculating the total amount of charge generated by the beam we will measure the beam's current. In addition, using thin diamond films, we will build and test a prototype detector for measuring the polarization of a linearly polarized photon beam that uses a modified pair production method. The modified polarimeter will be operable at CEBAF energies and will have a factor of 3 improvement in analyzing power. ***