UCLA has been selected by the American Physical Society, Division of Particles and Fields (DPF) Executive Committee to host the 1998/1999 meeting of the DPF. This is the 9-th meeting in the series of such meetings and follows the 1996 meeting hosted by the universities of Minnesota and Wisconsin. The meeting will be held on the UCLA campus from 5 through 9 January 1999. The scientific program will be a mixture of parallel and plenary talks covering such topics as diverse as Electroweak Interactions, Neutrino Masses and Oscillations, Heavy Quark Physics, Weak Decays and CP Violation, QCD, Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Quantum Gravity, Cosmology and Dark Matter, and High Energy Astrophysics. This conference will be attended by scientists from all over the world, and this grant will enable a number of students and post-docs to participate.