This proposal centers around nuclear structure theory and its applications in astrophysics, particle physics and condensed matter physics.
One of the principal themes is the development of appropriate theoretical tools for the description of nuclei far from stability and their application to the variety of new phenomena expected. Studies related to deformed halos in neutron-rich nuclei, to proton-neutron pairing correlations in N = Z nuclei, and to new features of nucleon transfer reactions, the nuclear effective interaction and beta decay rates are proposed. Other nuclear structure projects are concerned with the proton-neutron monopole force and the possible role of single-particle resonances in extending the high spin structure of nuclei beyond the band termination point.
A secondary theme of the proposal concerns the application of mapping techniques to problems outside the nuclear structure domain. Baryon mappings, which have recently been shown to be promising as a means of building nuclei directly from constituent quarks, will be applied to one- and two-nucleon systems and to symmetric nuclear matter. Boson mappings will be used to treat the dynamics of antiferromagnetic spin chains, in an extension of earlier work.