Arctic resources and climate have become the increasing focus of attention of circumpolar residents, scientists, engineers, and policy makers,. Bringing together a number of junior and several senior scholars at the cutting edge of basic research in a number of pertinent fields, this international project consists of a working conference to discuss "Arctic Perspectives" in the 21st century. In June 2010 PI Paul Josephson (Colby College) will convene the research conference in Naryan Mar, Russia, to discuss crucial issues concerning the Arctic in the 21st century, and the place of science and technology in Arctic regions. These issues include, but are not limited to: climate change; new claims on, and mounting competition for resources; the tension between national determinants of policy and the need for adequate international agreements for cooperation in resource management; increasing awareness of the rights of indigenous peoples to land and resources; and an examination of the preliminary results of the fourth International Polar Year.
Co-hosted by the Administration of the Nenets Autonomous Region of the Russian Federation, the conference will draw together scholars from the US, Russia, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Canada, and Inuit homelands to consider the issues from historical and policy perspectives. The conference participants will examine: 1) the national determinants of resource management practices versus tensions for international cooperation, including evaluation of the adequacy of international agreements to regulate Arctic resources; 2) empire, science and economic development; 3) the infrastructure of arctic development; and 4) changing issues of urbanization, settlement and migration. The geographic focus of this conference includes the entire circumpolar region. This project is comparative; involves collaborations between researchers and those living in the Arctic; centers upon cutting edge research in a variety of disciplines; and will help form partnerships among disciplines, regions, researchers, communities, and students.