This project will apply a new framework of model development for polar science using open source and open platform software with embedded visualization. The group will use the ?Processing? model environment to develop visual models that will allow a better mechanistic understanding of how snow and shrubs independently and interactively affect physical and biological controls over soil N dynamics and decomposition in arctic tundra, and how these in turn affect vegetation composition and productivity. The new visually based applications will, at least to start, use the physics, chemistry and biology that have been incorporated into previous more conventional numerical models.
Processing offers a ?friendly? framework for model development that is inherently visually expressive and can be used to rapidly test ideas. It offers accelerated scientific understanding through the visual experience and accelerated model development through the feedback of real time interactivity. It will accelerate the development of mechanistic models by providing a test bed for novel ideas and mechanisms before decisions to incorporate such model components into, for example, the land-surface models of general circulation models. It will enable and encourage observational and experimental scientists to explore models without knowledge of specialized programming languages and thus increase the synergy and collaboration among all parts of the arctic science community. The approach is also ideal for education and outreach as it will allow development of applications that allow students and others to explore scientific concepts easily and intuitively.