The PIs propose implementation of Phase I of a 12-month process to provide guidance to the National Science Foundation, the scientific community and others engaged in Arctic environmental observations on how to best achieve a well-designed, effective and robust Arctic observing system. An Arctic Observing Network (AON) Design and Implementation (ADI) Task Force, composed of researchers with observing-system expertise both within and outside of the Arctic, will work with other key experts to meet these objectives. Activities include a combination of virtual and in-person meetings, two workshops and a small array of proof-of-concept or exploratory studies overseen by the Task Force, culminating in a summary report with recommendations for the next steps in optimizing, coordinating, and enhancing the existing components of an international Arctic environmental observing system with emphasis on the AON. During this Phase I of the project funds are provided to facilitate activities up to and including the completion of an initial workshop and a follow-up assessment meeting.