This contract with Air New Zealand has been negotiated to provide Standard Depot Level Maintenance (SDLM) on the National Science Foundation's LC-130 aircraft. The aircraft undergo a yearly overhaul, and the ability to have this maintenance performed in Christchurch, New Zealand, will enhance the capability of VXE- 6 to accomplish its mission in the Antarctic Program. Since the majority of the yearly flying is done in and around Christchurch and Antarctica, having maintenance capability close to the source of heavy flight operations will allow more flexibility in the scheduling of yearly maintenance. This contract provides aircraft maintenance support to the program and will be administered, including distributions of funds, by the U.S. Navy - Naval Air Pacific Repair Activity in Atsugi, Japan. The anticipated Air New Zealand labor costs for the term of the contract are as follows: FY 1991 $1,153,000 FY 1992 $ 769,000 FY 1993 $1,665,000 The program manager recommends awarding of this action.