This award, provided by the Antarctic Geology and Geophysics Program of the Office of Polar Programs, supports an investigation of the recent and contemporary stress field of the Dry Valleys segment of the Transantarctic Mountains. This "Antarctic Stress Map Project" (ASMAP) will, as an initial phase, obtain data from Neogene-Quaternary volcanic vent alignments within the Transantarctic Mountains and adjacent West Antarctic rift system in the Ross Sea region. The distribution, alignments, and morphologies of volcanic cones and other volcanic features will be mapped using high resolution satellite imagery (SPOT, SAR) and aerial photographs. Field tests will assess structural associations of faults and volcanic vent alignments. These data will be coupled with existing chronological and petrological information on the volcanic rocks as well as other dike and fault data in order to interpret alignments and to define neotectonic stress states throughout this sector of Antarctica. This analysis of the stress regime will be interpreted in conjunction with other ongoing studies of contemporary tectonics and paleo-kinematics of the Transantarctic Mountains rift flank and adjacent rift system. New stress field data from the unique Antarctic setting will help to constrain the role of plate-boundary and crustal buoyancy forces in actively deforming intraplate regions.