Religiously affiliated mutual funds represent a unique realm where religious and financial motivations intersect. These funds combine their Catholic, Evangelical, Muslim or Protestant beliefs and traditions with socially responsible investing (SRI) through avoiding certain companies (screening) or by owning companies in effort to change their behavior (advocacy). While most SRI research in concerned with the return performance of the funds, this research will explore how religion influences the financial market behavior of average mutual fund investors. Existing mutual fund data will be used to test whether religious fund investors demonstrate more investor loyalty to their funds than conventional investors. Secondly, a scientific phone survey of a Protestant fund?s investors will provide individual level detail into the ways individuals balance their devotion to God and their devotion to money. This intersection of religion and the financial market makes a significant contribution to the larger body of sociological knowledge. This research will have a broader impact in the following ways. Research findings will be shared with the larger academic community through subsequent publications and conference presentations. This topic will be of particular interest to sociologists of religion and economic sociologists, opening up increased communication between these subfields which rarely interact. These findings will provide important information for SRI practitioners that operate these types of investment vehicles. Lastly, in a market climate where curbing greed is a popular market regulation approach, this research opens the possibility of public policies that reward morality in the financial market.