The Law and Science Dissertation Grant (LSDG) program promotes the progress of science by identifying and supporting doctoral dissertation research projects that have the potential to advance science in the multidisciplinary law and science field, including the disciplines of anthropology, criminology/criminal justice, data science, environmental science, economics, empirical legal studies, forensic science, human rights, information technology, political science, psychology, and sociology, among others. Each year the LSDG program will provide research support for up to fifteen dissertation projects. In doing so, the LSDG program nurtures the next generation of law and science scholars by funding dissertation research with the highest intellectual merit and broader impacts.
The LSDG program includes policies and procedures to ensure it funds only the most meritorious dissertation research projects in law and science. An Advisory Council, composed of representatives nominated by the various professional organizations that comprise the law and science research community, will assist in the review process and provide guidance on general policies and procedures. The LSDG program has a commitment to diversity that ensures award recipients represent various perspectives, including substantive representation of fields, demographic representation, and institutional representation. Awards up to $20,000 each will support basic scientific research (applied research will not be funded) that is theoretically derived and empirically oriented. Data will be collected from awardees, who will provide regular progress and annual reports, and all applicants will be surveyed to assess early career trajectories. These data will contribute to research on predictors of success in STEM training. The LSDG program will strengthen connections among the professional societies that comprise the law and science community and further efforts to increase the intellectual impact of law and science research.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.