9515029 Tauman The series of annual Summer Institutes in Game Theory and Economics is designed to stimulate and disseminate new advances in research on game theory and its applications, and to make conceptual and methodological developments in game theory available to an expanding group of scientists in economics ald other disciplines. Each year the month-long program of research-oriented conferences and workshops and an intensive course of instruction on a topic of major significance, complemented by a further period of informal research activities, will bring together a large international group of researchers - a mix of established scholars, junior faculty, and graduate students - whose interests represent a diverse array of theoretical and applied aspects of game theory. The programs proposed for 1996-1998 are a continuation of the series of Summer Institutes held at Stony Brook in 1990 - 1995, each of which attract more than 200 participants. Formal activities include a five-day conference with plenary and parallel sessions, and invited and contributed papers; two weeks of workshops on selected themes; and one to two weeks of intensive instruction on selected topics. he value of this format and approach is evidenced by the success of the previous Institutes. In the summer of 1996 four activities are planned: a five day International Conference; a five day workshop on Mechanism Design; a five day workshop on Social Learning; and a one week intensive course in Repeated Games. ??