18. GOALS FOR FELLOWSHIP TRAINING AND CAREER It is my fellowship training goal to engage in professional development. This includes completing a PhD in Sociology at the University of Illinois at Champaign- Urbana: completing coursework in relevant areas of methodology, theory, and statistical analysis; passing a preliminary examination in the focus area of Population, Health and the Life Course; completing a relevant and significant dissertation as described in the Research Training Plan; joining and participatin_ in professional associations relevant to the field and specific to the area; and submitting manuscripts for publication to peer-reviewed journals in the field. I will use my fellowship training, along with work experience, to achieve my career goal of becoming a productive scientist in the field of adolescent sub- stance abuse treatment, and eventually submitting for, and winning R01 (Invest- igator Initiated Research Project) grants from the National Inst. of Drug Abuse. 19. NAME AND DEGREE(S) Gillian Stevens, BA, MA, Ph.D 20. POSITION/RANK Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies 21. RESEARCH INTERESTS_REAS Social Demography, Sociology of Language, Epidemiology 22.._ESCRIPTION(_onot._edspa_ provided)_ ThlS research wz eva uate tne impact of substance abuse treatment and social environment on adolescent substance use, delinquency, violence, and criminal justice involvement. The research will be conducted as a longitudinal, secondar] analysis of 600 adolescents in a large, randomized experiment of five outpatient drug treatments in four US sites with high follow-up and transportability: the Cannabis Youth Treatment (CYT) experiment. Data was collected at treatment intake and at 3-, 6-, 9-, and 12-months post-intake. Data collection was continued by the Persistent Effects of Treatment for Adolescents (PETSA) study through 30-months post-intake. Both studies used a comprehensive biopsychosocia[ assessment, the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs (GAIN) that investigates the adolescent's background, substance use, physical and mental health, risk behaviors, environment, and vocational and legal/criminal involvement. Parent report and urine test results will also be used to triangulate data. Theory, method, and analysis training along with research experience will prepare the researcher to become a productive scientist in the field of adolescent substance abuse treatment. PHS416-1(Rev. 12/98) Form Page2 BB cc NAME (Last, first, middle initial) Individual NRSA Application Table of Contents ========================================Section End===========================================