Most thiol oxidoreductases contain the well conserved thioredoxin fold. This fold is present in both oxidasesand disulfide reductases. I intend to address how can different members of the thioredoxin family thoughthey all have the same fold differ so greatly in their chemistry and reactivity. I will force thiol thiol reductasesinto thiol oxidases by selecting for mutants that are able to complement a thiol oxidase deficiency. Theresults garnered from this work will allow us to investigate how structure and function are related andhow.Diseases such as sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis are caused by small mutations in a general fold thatrenders the protein inactive. Our work will investigate how small mutational changes can affectdirectionality of a reaction, which will help elucidate how small mutations within normal proteins can causethem to become diseased.
Catapano, Joshua Stephen; John Hawryluk, Gregory William; Whetstone, William et al. (2016) Higher Mean Arterial Pressure Values Correlate with Neurologic Improvement in Patients with Initially Complete Spinal Cord Injuries. World Neurosurg 96:72-79 |