Long-term objectives of the proposed research study include (a) to build a research program that systematically investigates the processes and outcomes of community-based nurse managed practice, and (b) to apply findings toward the development and dissemination of an exemplary praxis model of community-based nurse-managed practice. The overall research question is: What are the factors that facilitate the establishment, diffusion, and sustainability of community-based nurse-managed practice? This question will be addressed through three cases of nurse-managed practice: urban academic, urban nonacademic, and rural nonacademic. The specific alms are: (a) to describe the evolution of the development and integration of three nurse-managed practices within their community context; (b) to identify how managers and clinicians of nurse-managed practices facilitated their acceptance in their particular community context; (c) to describe how perceptions of nursing held by the local public and by other health care providers facilitated the nurse-n practices to embed in the community; (d) to describe what managers and clinicians of nurse-managed practices perceive as critical to their sustainability and continued acceptance by the community; and (e) to examine context as it relates to variations in establishing, diffusing, and sustaining community-based nurse-managed practice. The research design of embedded multiple-case study was selected to retain the holistic and meaningful characteristics of real-life events, to permit comparative analyses, and to accommodate multiple sources of quantitative and qualitative data, including documents, artifacts, interviews, and observations, as well as multiple units of analysis.
Campbell, Linda (2005) Sustaining nurse-managed practice. Nurs Clin North Am 40:739-45, xi |