AA PART I(Form Pages 7 to 6, 9) FormApprovedThrough 8/31/01 Services I ,erre m, A,,' t?-..muC. OMB No.0925--0002 1 --I.. i 797545 _._____-_ - ;h Service PI: SHANNON,MAUREENT Council:0512002 AppIication c.:5 1DFu3a1l:NR008181-01 - Do notexceedchaFroalclotewrliennstgruthcrteiosntrsictaiorenfsui/nlyd.icatedon sample IRG: NRRC (23) Received:12/05/2001 - 1,TITLE OF RESEARCHTRAINING PROPOSAL (Do not excet, uIruIcIbI~I~, apabca ariu prluucruuii/ Stress and fatiguein HIV-infected postpartum women 2. LEVELOF FELLOWSHIP Pre-doctoral 4a. NAME OF APPLICANT (Last,first, middle initial) Shannon,Maureen,T. 4d. PRESENT MAILING ADDRESS (Street,city, state, zip code) 11Piedmont Street San Francisco, CA 94117 4f. OFFICETELEPHONENO. (Area code, 49. HOMETELEPHONE NO. no., and ext.) (Area code and no.) 415-353-2841 415-661-4949 4J. 1la. NAME OF SPONSOR (Last,first, middle initial) Lee, Kathryn, A. Telephone (415)476-4442 Fax (415)753-2161 E-mail Address Kathy.Lee@nursing.ucsf.edu 1ICDE.PARTMENT, SERVICE, LABORATORY, OR EQUIVALENT Family Health Care Nursing 1Id.MAJOR SUBDIVISION Nursing 13.NAMEANDTELEPHONENO.OFADVISOR IFDIFFERENTFROM 1la. Telephone Name and address of institution where research training will take place if different from Item 11b. Address Box 0606 Department of Family Health Care Nursing San Francisco, CA 94143 3. PROGRAMANNOUNCEMENTIREQUEST FORAPPLICATIONS 4b. E-MAIL 4c. HIGHEST DEGREE(S) shannon@itsa.ucsf.edu CNM, FNP, MS 4e. PERMANENTMAILING ADDRESS (Street,city, state,zip code) Same as 4d 4h. PERMANENT PHONE NO. 4i. FAX NUMBER (Area code and (Area code and no.) no.) 415-661-4949 415-661-9045 YES (If 'Yes,' refer to Item 24, Form Pa 5b. Animal welfare assuranceno. IU'-- IIb. NAME OF PROPOSEDSPONSORING INSTITUTION dress Regents, UCSF UCSF San Francisco, CA 94143-0962 12. ENTITY IDENTIFICATION NO. 1946036493A6 DUNS NO. (If available) 159684802 14. NAME OFOFFICIAL INBUSINESS OFFICE Joan Kaiser Telephone (415)476-2977 Fax (415)476-8158 Title Contracts & Grants Officer Address Office of Research Affrais UCSF San Francisco, CA 94143-0962 E-mailAddress: Jkaiser@research.ucsf.edu 15. APPLICANT CERTIFICATIONAND ACCEPTANCE: I certifythat the s itements hereinare true, complete and accurate to the best of mv knowled'ae. and Iagree to comply with the PublicHealthServiceterms and conditions if an award is isuedas a result of this application.I am aware that anyfalse, fictitious, or fraudulentstatementsor olaims m ubject me to criminal,civil, or administrativepenalties.Icertify that I have readthe NationalResearch ServiceAward Serwice Assurance,thbt Iwill a by the Assurance if an award is made, and that the award will no) support residencytraining. DATE JHS 416-1 (Rev. 12/98) Face Page Citizenship- u -s A - Length of progrom.?Y5?G_rl Dote of cntry--9,/2L6-7-- Date of cornplciion9/_2/70 Birth doto 5/30/49 sex Female If withdrown: Dote Reuson SUMMARY OF PROGRA --- HIGH SCHOOL Si Nom. c-d Iocoticn Flercy High, Sa? Francisco, California oqy (Bio. 3) Yaar ciplomo rcccivad COLLEGE!S) Nam. cnd locotion Ycc-1 c-tended Yea-r =.tended Dq-cc or crcdit Porslng grode oi this sc When pertinent, include theory 0-d r,loted pro,f,ce OS one course ? II practice IS recorded In hour%,chonge column hecdi: SANTAROSAJUNIOR COLLEG49E5 moo 568-70-4347 SANTA ROSA, CALIFORNIA 95401 SHANNON - NAME HAHIT2 MAUREEN T BIRTH DATE 5'30'49 HIGHSCHOOL 3R-4' Units Semester - 17weeks Unit - One hour in lecture or three hours in lab per week. Average load - 15 units Aaaeiate in Arts Degree Requirements 'C' average for 60 units including specified subjects. Certificate of Completion Requirements Fulfilled US History. . ., . . .%*!??. Federal, State and Local Government. Mil Credit _____ units (Equiv. PE, HE 1& HE 6) MilSch____________________________ __-_______________-_____________ Course Numbering 1 ~ 49 Accredited all higher institutions 50 - 99 Accredited most higher institutions 100- 200 Not intended for baccalaureate degree credit 700-899 Non - credit 700x - 799x Hiah school credit onlv Explanation of Grades and Grade Points per Unit A - Excellent 4 6- Good_________ 3 C - Average________ 2 D - Barely Passing---- 1 F - Failure________ 0 G - Pass__________ 0 H - Medical Excuse I- Incomplete------ 0 CR - Credit________ 0 Notcomputed in GPA. NC- No Credit 0 Notcomputed in GPA. *- Repeat Course R - Course repeated. U.A. charged once only. Highest gadeallowed. #- Course repeated. U.A. charged once only. Grade Points adiusted to total hiQhest Wade. E - Basic Subjects .6 units 7 E - Electives Additional units from 2 above areas to total 40. 12 2,1 i CERTIFIED [PTARTIALI TFULL I Good Standingsubject toany other notations. Not official without college seal &signature. Attest: REGISTRAR i APPREC & HIST ART 2B 3.0 3-0 A 12.0 3 READING & COMP PT 1 ENGL lP-1 105 lo5 B 4.5 3 READING & COMP PT 2 ENGL 1A-2 1.5 105 H 4 e5 EXEMPT OVER 21 PE .O 00 .O j AMER. CIVILIZATION SOC SC 10 3.0 3.0 B I 990 900 9.0 30.0 568-70-4347 SPRING SEMESTER 1973 BABITZ MAUREEN T B GENERAL HUMAN LCL ANAT 1 4.0 4.0 A 16.0 EXEMPT OVER 21 PE .O 00 .O 4.0 4.0 16.0 t3s0 13-0 46-0 568-70-4347 SUMMER SEMESTER 1973 BABITZ MAUREEN T ; INTRO TO SOCIOLOGY SOC 1 3.0 3.0 A 12.0 3.0 3.0 12.0 16.0 16.0 58 00 568-70-4347 SPRING SEMESTER 1976 SHANNON MAUREEN BUSINESS MATH BUS 59 3.0 .O w .O OFFICIAL WITHDRAWAL 3/23/76 00 .O eo 16.0 16.0 58.0 568-70-4347 SPRING SEMESTER 1977 SHANNONRABITZ MA I3 FLEM STlSTISTICS 1 MATH 13 3.0 3.0 A 12.0 3.0 3.0 12.0 19.0 19.0 70.0 NAME OFAPPLICANT (Last,fifst, middle initial) Individual NRSA Application Continuation Page Activity/ Beginning Ending Occupation Date (mm/yr) Date (mm/yr) Assistant 08/ 1985 08/ 1988 Clinical Professor CNM/FNP 02/ 1989 04/2001 CNM/FNP 04/ 1991 present CNM/FNP 08/ 1992 06/ 1993 Antepartum 04/ 1997 04/ 1998 Course Coordinator Associate 06/ 1995 present Clinical Professor (non-salaried) CNM/FNP 07/ 1998 present CNM/FNP 01/2000 present PHS 416-1 (Rev. 12/98) Shannon, Maureen, T. Field Institution Nursing Family Health Care Nursing, School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco Clinician & Bay Area Perinatal Research AIDS Center, San CNM/FNP in Francisco General Perinatal HIV Hospital Research PACTG Unit, Dept. of CNM/FNP in Pediatrics,University Perinatal HIV of California, San Francisco Research Bay Area Research CNM/FNP Consortium on Women & AIDS, University of California, San Francisco Nurse- Frontier School of Midwifery Family Nursing and Midwifery Nursing Family Health Care Nursing, Schoolof Nursing, University of California, San Francisco Clinician: Womens' Specialty Primary Care Clinic, University & Perinatal of California, San HIV Care Francisco Clinician: East Bay AIDS Center, Primary Care Berkeley, CA & Perinatal HIV Care Page 3 Supervisor/ Employer J. Neeson, MSN C. Lyons, ANP D. Wara, MD R. Greenblatt, MD S. Stone, MSN B. Davies, PhD R. Greenblatt, MD C. Borkert, MD DD PART I (Form Pages 7 to 6,9) NAME OFAPPLICANT (Last, first,middle initial) SIcndhioviIdausatliNcRPSAerAfpoprlricnatinocne I Shannon, Maureen, T. (To becompleted by applicant--follow PHS416-1 instructions) 23. SCHOLASTIC PERFORMANCE: Predocford ap..plicants: List by institution and year all undergraduate and graduate courses with grades. Postdoctoral applicants: List by institution and year all undergraduate course and graduate scientific and/or profesional courses germane to the training sought under this-awardwith grades. Complete block at Ittom of ,Da'ae.if aD..DliCable. Senior aD,.olicants:Omit this D.a-ae. SCIENCE OTHER YEAR COURSE TITLE GRADE YEAR COURSE TITLE GRADE St.Joseph's School of Nursing St.Joseph's Schoolof Nursing 1967 Anatomy & Physiology (Biology25) A 1967 Orientation to Nursing B+ 1968 Microbiology(Biology3) A 1967 Communications C+ 1969 Physiological Concepts A 1967 Pharmacology C 1969 Physiological Concepts A- 1967 Nutrition A 1967 Religion A Santa Rosa Junior College 1967 Nursing Fundamentals B- 1973 Anatomy 1 A 1968 Medical-Surgical Nursing I B 1968 Diet Therapy B 1968 Communications B- 1968 Religion A 1968 Psychology C 1968 Medical-Surgical Nursing IIa B 1968 CommunicationsIIa P 1968 Sociology(Sociology104a) B- 1968 Theology B- 1968 Medical-Surgical Nursing IIb B 1968 CommunicationsIIb P 1968 Sociology(Sociology104b) B- 1968 Theology B- 1968 Disaster Nursing A 1969 Obstetrical Nursing A 1969 Gynecological Nursing A 1969 Communications IIc P 1969 Medical History A 1969 CommunityHealth A 1969 Pediatric Nursing B- 1969 Psychiatric Nursing B- 1969 Medical Legal Aspects B- 1970 Medical-Surgical Nursing I11 B 1970 Professional Relations P 1970 Nutrition B (continuedon next page) Explain marking system if eitherthan 1-100 orA, B,C. D. F. Show level reqi !d for passing. Predoctoral applicants state performance on g-raduate Record Examination, if available. P = Pass; required level = pass. Cr = Credit; required level = credit. S = satisfactory; required level = satisfactory. GRE scores (taken 11/96):Verbal=600,Quantitative=460,Analytical=540 PHS 416-1 (Rev. 12/98) Form Page4 DD 5 NAME OF APPLICANT (Last, fifst, middle initial) Individual NRSA Application Continuation Page Shannon, Maureen, T. Santa Rosa Junior College Year Course Title Grade 1972 Art 2B (Appreciation& History) A 1972 English 1A-1 (Reading& Composition, Part 1) B 1972 English 1A-2 (Reading& Composition, Part 2) B 1973 Social Science 10 (AmericanCivilization) B 1973 Sociology 1 (Introductionto Sociology) A 1977 Mathematics 13(ElementaryStatistics) A California State College. Sonoma Year Course Title Grade 1973 Nursing 310A (CommunityHealth) A 1973 Nursing 315 (SciencePrinciples) A 1973 Nursing 367A (Interaction& Change) B 1973 Geography 303 (CulturalGeography) A 1974 Nursing 302A (Microteaching) Cr 1974 Nursing 310B (CommunityHealth) A 1974 Nursing 367B (Interaction& Change) A 1974 Nursing 495 (Special Studies) A 1974 Nursing 495 (SpecialStudies) A 1974 American Studies (Health & Culture) A 1974 Philosophy 344 (Women'sPhilosophies) A 1974 Nursing 422A (Preceptorship) A 1974 Nursing 495 (Special Studies - Nurse Practitioner) A 1974 Management 455B (ThePlanning Process) B 1975 Nursing 396 (Pharmacology) A 1975 Nursing 422B (Preceptorship) A 1975 Nursing 424B (Preceptorship) A 1975 Nursing 433 (Seminar:Current Professional Problems) A 1975 Nursing 495 (SpecialStudies: Nurse Practitioner) A University of California, San Francisco Year CourseTitle Grade 1977 Nursing 211A (Introductionto Research: Perspectives B and Stylesof Research and Researchers) 1977 Nursing 216 (Maternal-Child Health) A 1977 Nursing 246 (Deterrentsto Mothering) A 1978 Nursing 211.02B (TheResearch Critique) A 1978 Nursing 236 (ExpectantParent Group Education) A 1978 Nursing 258 (PerinatalPhenomenon: Theory and Critique) A (continuedon next page) PHS 416-1 (Rev. 12/98) Page - 6 - NAME OFAPPLICANT (Last, first, middle initial) Individual NRSA Application Continuation Page Shannon, Maureen, T. Item 23. Scholastic Performance (continued) Other (non-science)courses University of California, San Francisco Year Course Title Grade 1978 Nursing 406 (ClinicalResidency) A 1978 Nursing 214 (Nursing Process) A 1978 Nursing 249 (IndependentStudy) A 1978 Nursing 259.03 (AdvancedWomen's Health Seminar) A 1978 Nursing 249 (IndependentStudy) A 1978 Nursing 406 (ClinicalResidency) A 1978 Nursing 238A (Developmentof the Infant and Preschool A Child) 1978 Nursing 406 (ClinicalResidency) A 1978 Nutrition 181 (Nutrition During Pregnancy and Lactation) A 1978 Psychiatry 160.14 (Human Sexuality) S Medical Universitv of South Carolina Year CourseTitle Grade 1979 M. S. Nursing 805 (PhysicalAssessment) A 1979 M. S. Nursing 806 (PelvicGynecology) A 1979 M. S. Nursing 812 (Antepartum) A 1979 M. S. Nursing 807 (Neonatology) A 1979 M. S. Nursing 809 (SeminarSeries) A 1979 M. S. Nursing 810 (Childbirth Education) A 1979 M. S. Nursing 811 (Postpartum) A 1979 M. S. Nursing 813 (Intrapartum) A 1979 M. S. Nursing 815 (AdvancedSeminar in Nurse Midwifery) A 1980 M. S. Nursing 808 (FamilyPlanning) A 1980 M. S. Nursing 814 (Integration) A University of California, Los Anzeles (UniversityExtension) Year Course Title Grade 2001 Statistics X402 (Introductionto Statistics & Quantitative P Methods) PHS 416-1 (Rev. 12/98) Page - 7 - cc NAME (last,first, middle initial) IndividualNRSAApplication Table of Contents ========================================Section End===========================================

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Shannon, Maureen T (2015) HIV-infected mothers' experiences during their infants' HIV testing. Res Nurs Health 38:142-51
Shannon, Maureen; Lee, Kathryn A (2008) HIV-infected mothers'perceptions of uncertainty, stress, depression and social support during HIV viral testing of their infants. Arch Womens Ment Health 11:259-67
Shannon, Maureen; Kennedy, Holly Powell; Humphreys, Janice C (2008) HIV-infected mothers'foci of concern during the viral testing of their infants. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care 19:114-26
Shannon, Maureen; King, Tekoa L; Kennedy, Holly Powell (2007) Allostasis: a theoretical framework for understanding and evaluating perinatal health outcomes. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 36:125-34