Richards, J E (2000) Development of multimodal attention in young infants: modification of the startle reflex by attention. Psychophysiology 37:65-75
Richards, J E; Cronise, K (2000) Extended visual fixation in the early preschool years: look duration, heart rate changes, and attentional inertia. Child Dev 71:602-20
Richards, J E (2000) Localizing the development of covert attention in infants with scalp event-related potentials. Dev Psychol 36:91-108
Richards, J E; Holley, F B (1999) Infant attention and the development of smooth pursuit tracking. Dev Psychol 35:856-67
Kelly, S J; Richards, J E (1998) Heart rate orienting and respiratory sinus arrhythmia development in rats exposed to alcohol or hypoxia. Neurotoxicol Teratol 20:193-202
Richards, J E (1997) Effects of attention on infants' preference for briefly exposed visual stimuli in the paired-comparison recognition-memory paradigm. Dev Psychol 33:22-31
Richards, J E (1997) Peripheral stimulus localization by infants: attention, age, and individual differences in heart rate variability. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 23:667-80
Richards, J E; Hunter, S K (1997) Peripheral stimulus localization by infants with eye and head movements during visual attention. Vision Res 37:3021-35
Lansink, J M; Richards, J E (1997) Heart rate and behavioral measures of attention in six-, nine-, and twelve-month-old infants during object exploration. Child Dev 68:610-20
Richards, J E; Gibson, T L (1997) Extended visual fixation in young infants: look distributions, heart rate changes, and attention. Child Dev 68:1041-56
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