Taube, Jeffrey S; Wang, Sarah S; Kim, Stanley Y et al. (2013) Updating of the spatial reference frame of head direction cells in response to locomotion in the vertical plane. J Neurophysiol 109:873-88
Taube, Jeffrey S (2010) Interspike interval analyses reveal irregular firing patterns at short, but not long, intervals in rat head direction cells. J Neurophysiol 104:1635-48
Calton, Jeffrey L; Turner, Carol S; Cyrenne, De-Laine M et al. (2008) Landmark control and updating of self-movement cues are largely maintained in head direction cells after lesions of the posterior parietal cortex. Behav Neurosci 122:827-40
Bassett, Joshua P; Tullman, Matthew L; Taube, Jeffrey S (2007) Lesions of the tegmentomammillary circuit in the head direction system disrupt the head direction signal in the anterior thalamus. J Neurosci 27:7564-77
Calton, Jeffrey L; Taube, Jeffrey S (2005) Degradation of head direction cell activity during inverted locomotion. J Neurosci 25:2420-8
Bassett, Joshua P; Zugaro, Michael B; Muir, Gary M et al. (2005) Passive movements of the head do not abolish anticipatory firing properties of head direction cells. J Neurophysiol 93:1304-16
Taube, Jeffrey S; Stackman, Robert W; Calton, Jeffrey L et al. (2004) Rat head direction cell responses in zero-gravity parabolic flight. J Neurophysiol 92:2887-997
Muir, Gary M; Taube, Jeffrey S (2004) Head direction cell activity and behavior in a navigation task requiring a cognitive mapping strategy. Behav Brain Res 153:249-53
Stackman, Robert W; Golob, Edward J; Bassett, Joshua P et al. (2003) Passive transport disrupts directional path integration by rat head direction cells. J Neurophysiol 90:2862-74
Taube, Jeffrey S; Bassett, Joshua P (2003) Persistent neural activity in head direction cells. Cereb Cortex 13:1162-72
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