This application is a second resubmission for a K05 Senior Scientist Award as a competing continuation ofK02 DA00139. To sustain my professional development, the specific aims of this K05 are to: (1) developand apply advanced statistical methods to improve the knowledge of long-term patterns and consequencesof drug use, treatment process and outcomes, and the interplay of drug use patterns with other servicesystems; (2) train and mentor students and junior investigators; (3) advise policymakers, service providers,and researchers on long-term patterns and consequences of drug use and treatment outcomes; and (4)consolidate and widely disseminate the knowledge and experiences accumulated throughout my researchcareer via journal articles, books, and a web site. Building upon work accomplished during the past andcurrent Research Career Award periods, I will continue pursuing my research goals by conducting 3research projects: (1) a study of treatment system impacts and outcomes of California's Proposition 36(providing drug treatment in lieu of incarceration); (2) a study on the access and outcomes associated withdrug treatment and mental health services; and (3) a Center project to advance longitudinal drug abuseresearch, in which archival data from my previous studies will also be analyzed as issues are identified. Aspecial emphasis is on the implications of research findings pertinent to the development of improvedtreatment strategies and on providing advice on social policy changes. I will continue to provide training andmentorship to students and junior investigators to assist their career advancement. My professional growthwill involve continued development and application of innovative statistical methodologies in support of mysubstantive work. I will also expand my capacity to conduct interdisciplinary research by increasing myknowledge regarding other disciplines relevant to drug abuse research and through collaborative work. Myaffiliation with the Neuropsychiatric Institute (NPI) in the UCLA Department of Psychiatry and BiobehavioralSciences provides the optimum setting for my career development. In this context, I will conduct researchand will receive additional training in clinical aspects of drug abuse treatment and in the implementation oftreatment services. Furthermore, my psychosocial research knowledge and skills in drug abuse issues willcontribute to UCLA's general program in drug abuse research by complementing NPI's biobehavioralperspective.
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