Fleming, E; Ma, C A; McGuire, T G (2000) Behavioral health expenditures and state organizational structure. Adm Policy Ment Health 27:91-111
Ellis, R P; McGuire, T G (1996) Hospital response to prospective payment: moral hazard, selection, and practice-style effects. J Health Econ 15:257-77
Wallack, S S; Levine, H J; McManus, M A et al. (1996) Managed care for people with disabilities: caring for those with the greatest need. Baxter Health Policy Rev 2:351-94
McGuire, T G; Porter, B M (1995) State mental health agency spending, 1985-1990. J Ment Health Adm 22:301-19
Frank, R G; McGuire, T G (1995) Estimating costs of mental health and substance abuse coverage. Health Aff (Millwood) 14:102-15
Hodgkin, D; McGuire, T G (1994) Payment levels and hospital response to prospective payment. J Health Econ 13:1-29
McGuire, T G (1994) Predicting the cost of mental health benefits. Milbank Q 72:3-23
McGuire, T G; Riordan, M H (1993) Contracting for community-based public mental health services. Adv Health Econ Health Serv Res 14:55-69
Glazer, J; McGuire, T G (1993) Should physicians be permitted to 'balance bill' patients? J Health Econ 12:239-58
Ellis, R P; McGuire, T G (1993) Supply-side and demand-side cost sharing in health care. J Econ Perspect 7:135-51
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