Frazier, Lyn; Clifton, Charles; Rayner, Keith et al. (2005) Interface problems: structural constraints on interpretation? J Psycholinguist Res 34:201-31
Rayner, Keith; Ashby, Jane; Pollatsek, Alexander et al. (2004) The effects of frequency and predictability on eye fixations in reading: implications for the E-Z Reader model. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 30:720-32
Deutsch, Avital; Frost, Ram; Pelleg, Sharon et al. (2003) Early morphological effects in reading: evidence from parafoveal preview benefit in Hebrew. Psychon Bull Rev 10:415-22
Kambe, Gretchen; Duffy, Susan A; Clifton Jr, Charles et al. (2003) An eye-movement-contingent probe paradigm. Psychon Bull Rev 10:661-6
Pollatsek, Alexander; Rayner, Keith (2002) Simple rotary motion is integrated across fixations. Percept Psychophys 64:1120-9
Lee, Hye-Won; Rayner, Keith; Pollatsek, Alexander (2002) The processing of consonants and vowels in reading: evidence from the fast priming paradigm. Psychon Bull Rev 9:766-72
Greene, H H; Rayner, K (2001) Eye movements and familiarity effects in visual search. Vision Res 41:3763-73
Kambe, G; Rayner, K; Duffy, S A (2001) Global context effects on processing lexically ambiguous words: evidence from eye fixations. Mem Cognit 29:363-72
Greene, H H; Rayner, K (2001) Eye-movement control in direction-coded visual search. Perception 30:147-57
Altarriba, J; Kambe, G; Pollatsek, A et al. (2001) Semantic codes are not used in integrating information across eye fixations in reading: evidence from fluent Spanish-English bilinguals. Percept Psychophys 63:875-90
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