Novins, Douglas K; Spicer, Paul; Fickenscher, Alexandra et al. (2012) Pathways to care: narratives of American Indian adolescents entering substance abuse treatment. Soc Sci Med 74:2037-45
Novins, Douglas K; Beals, Janette; Croy, Calvin et al. (2008) Methods for measuring utilization of mental health services in two epidemiologic studies. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res 17:159-73
Novins, Douglas K; Fickenscher, Alexandra; Manson, Spero M (2006) American Indian adolescents in substance abuse treatment: diagnostic status. J Subst Abuse Treat 30:275-84
Fickenscher, Alexandra; Novins, Douglas K; Manson, Spero M (2006) Illicit peyote use among American Indian adolescents in substance abuse treatment: a preliminary investigation. Subst Use Misuse 41:1139-54
Fickenscher, Alexandra; Novins, Douglas K; Beals, Janette (2006) A pilot study of motivation and treatment completion among American Indian adolescents in substance abuse treatment. Addict Behav 31:1402-14
Fickenscher, Alexandra; Novins, Douglas K; Beals, Jan (2005) Symptom endorsement of alcohol and other substance abuse and dependence criteria among American-Indian adolescents in residential substance abuse treatment. J Addict Dis 24:65-78
Novins, Douglas K; Beals, Janette; Moore, Laurie A et al. (2004) Use of biomedical services and traditional healing options among American Indians: sociodemographic correlates, spirituality, and ethnic identity. Med Care 42:670-9
Novins, Douglas K; Baron, Anna E (2004) American Indian substance use: the hazards for substance use initiation and progression for adolescents aged 14 to 20 years. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 43:316-24
Fisckenscher, Alexandra; Novins, Doug (2003) Gender differences and conduct disorder among American Indian adolescents in substance abuse treatment. J Psychoactive Drugs 35:79-84
Novins, D K; Beals, J; Mitchell, C M (2001) Sequences of substance use among American Indian adolescents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 40:1168-74
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