Check all data tapes furnished by the Government for conditions of the tapes, completeness of data, and accuracy of specifications. Data tapes will be received from the completed contract with Boston University; data tapes from the SIDS Project Institute, London, England, will be used for the performance of this project.
Kluge, K A; Harper, R M; Schechtman, V L et al. (1988) Spectral analysis assessment of respiratory sinus arrhythmia in normal infants and infants who subsequently died of sudden infant death syndrome. Pediatr Res 24:677-82 |
Frostig, Z; Frostig, R D (1987) Analysis of frequency components in time series data. J Neurosci Methods 22:79-87 |
Harper, R M; Schechtman, V L; Kluge, K A (1987) Machine classification of infant sleep state using cardiorespiratory measures. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 67:379-87 |