The Administrative Core of 'Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Mechanisms' provides scientific andadministrative direction for all aspects of the Program Project. Ned A. Porter, Ph. D. will head the Core. Hewill be aided by an Office Assistant, Ms. Marianne Beebe. This Core provides essential administrativeservices for the overall grant. Ms. Beebe will give priority to preparation of fiscal and technical reports,working with the accounting offices in the College of Arts and Science and the School of Medicine. The Corewill prepare and assemble materials required for the annual progress reports and will ensure all additionalNIEHS and institutional reporting requirements concerning the Program's activities are fulfilled in a timelymanner. Ms. Beebe schedules monthly Program Project Research Meetings for all participants. A'presenter' from each Project provides updates on the ongoing science in their particular project at thesemeetings. Ms. Beebe also schedules bimonthly P.I. Strategy and Tactics meetings and a monthly campuswideForum on Oxidative Injury. Ms. Beebe makes arrangements for the annual External Advisory BoardMeeting. All of the Board members are eminent scholars who have expertise in the general area of researchof the Program Project. Two Vanderbilt University Internal Advisors, Carmelo Rizzo, and F. PeterGuengerich meet regularly with members of the Program Project. Both Advisors have active researchlaboratories and extensive experience with NIEHS supported programs. The Administrative Core alsoutilizes a Program Project Biostatistician (Yu Shyr, Ph. D.) to help with all of the scientific projects. Dr. Shyris an internationally known expert in the field and is a Professor of Preventive Medicine at Vanderbilt.
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