The methodology section describes a plan for the application of a classification model to the investigation and development of a subtyping nosology for reading disorders (dyslexia). The Methodology Core constitutes one section of a larger proposal designed to: 1) identify subtypes of reading performance within a broad population of children with learning difficulty whose deficient test performance is below expectation in reading and/or math, or who meet accepted criteria of attention disorder; 2) address the neuroanatomical correlates of reading disabilities through state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging of the brain; 3) provide a quantitative index of shared electrophysiological activity that assesses communication across brain areas through the use of EEG coherence analysis; 4) examine the emergence of subtypes of reading disability in an epidemiological sample and within a longitudinal framework; and 5) investigate individuals within reading disability subtypes who have affected family members in order to clarify possible genetic influences on reading disability.

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Shaywitz, Sally E; Gruen, Jeffrey R; Shaywitz, Bennett A (2007) Management of dyslexia, its rationale, and underlying neurobiology. Pediatr Clin North Am 54:609-23, viii
Shaywitz, Bennett A; Lyon, G Reid; Shaywitz, Sally E (2006) The role of functional magnetic resonance imaging in understanding reading and dyslexia. Dev Neuropsychol 30:613-32
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Shaywitz, Bennett A; Shaywitz, Sally E; Blachman, Benita A et al. (2004) Development of left occipitotemporal systems for skilled reading in children after a phonologically- based intervention. Biol Psychiatry 55:926-33
Shafritz, Keith M; Marchione, Karen E; Gore, John C et al. (2004) The effects of methylphenidate on neural systems of attention in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Am J Psychiatry 161:1990-7
Vellutino, Frank R; Fletcher, Jack M; Snowling, Margaret J et al. (2004) Specific reading disability (dyslexia): what have we learned in the past four decades? J Child Psychol Psychiatry 45:2-40
Shaywitz, Sally E; Naftolin, Frederick; Zelterman, Daniel et al. (2003) Better oral reading and short-term memory in midlife, postmenopausal women taking estrogen. Menopause 10:420-6
Shaywitz, Sally E; Shaywitz, Bennett A; Fulbright, Robert K et al. (2003) Neural systems for compensation and persistence: young adult outcome of childhood reading disability. Biol Psychiatry 54:25-33

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