ADMINISTRATIVE CORE PROJECT ABSTRACT The purpose of the Administrative Core is to ensure that the infrastructure, support mechanisms, and processes of the COBRE facilitate the development of early career investigators. The Administrative Core is comprised of: (1) Dr. Donald Warne, Program Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI); (2) an Internal Advisory Committee (IAC); (3) an External Advisory Committee (EAC); (4) Senior Management Advisor; (5) Biostatistician; and (6) a team of superb individual project mentors. The Administrative Core leadership team has extensive experience in mentoring early career investigators and in administering large scale research enterprises across multiple disciplines. Objectives 1. Ensure the long-term success of the Indigenous Trauma & Resilience Research Center by establishing and supporting a thematic, multidisciplinary center that focuses on Indigenous trauma and resilience research. 2. Develop and implement a Research Training and Career Development Plan to support COBRE individual research Project Leaders (PLs) that leads to independent investigator status. 3. Establish a pilot study program that ensures development of faculty in the Center. 4. Implement an Evaluation Strategy and Milestones to track progress and to ensure objectives are met. Methods: Mentoring and Faculty Development activities will also include: Colloquium Series in Indigenous Health Disparities; Research Seminars; Monthly Meetings; Administrative Meetings; Annual American Indian (AI) Health Research Conference; and Pilot projects that will promote career development within the scientific theme and will assist in determining the next round of junior investigator PLs. These activities will be available to the broader UND community and will assist in expanding the knowledge base and skillsets of the entire campus. These events will also provide a mechanism to recruit additional junior investigators and pilot projects to replace those who move on to independent investigator status. Evaluation will include formative and summative evaluation strategies. Key milestones and timelines to ensure appropriate career development of junior investigators include application to an externally funded Research Project Grant (RPG) by the end of year 2 of COBRE support, and Independent Investigator status by the end of Year 3. Evaluation will also assess how well the cores are meeting the needs of the PLs.