The application of biomaterials and tissue engineering to reproductive biology provides an enablingtechnology underlying the development of the Oncofertility Consortium. A core is being developed for thetranslation of this technology.This proposed core has two major missions: i) research to further develop thisenabling technology identify conditions for cryopreserving and maturing primate ovarian follicles, ii) service toprovide materials and training to satellite locations for the maturation procedures. Previous work hasdemonstrated that the hydrogel alginate phenocopies the in vivo environment by maintaining folliculararchitecture while presenting a combination of diffusible, insoluble, and mechanical signals that combine toinfluence the development of the follicle. Ovarian follicles can be matured in vitro to yield high quality oocytesthat can be fertilized and support live births with mice. The research objectives of this project are motivatedby the need to develop hydrogels that i) support the growth of the large primate follicles that may havedifferent requirements from mouse follicles, ii) maintain the follicle architecture and facilitate handling duringcryopreservation, and iii) promote engraftment and survival of transplanted follicles following transplantation.The activities of this core are thus focused on four specific goals. Goal 1: Provide biomaterial support to theoncofertility consortium (R01A, R01B, R01C, P30A). Goal 2: Identify biomaterial properties and cultureconditions that will maximize primate follicle growth, which will be translated to R01B and R01C. Goal 3:Develop novel biomaterials that can be used to minimize tissue cryoinjury for translation to R01A and P30B.Goal 4: Engineer drug-releasing hydrogels to optimize cortical strip transplants (R01B). An exciting team ofinvestigators has been assembled towards translating novel technologies towards a significant clinicalproblem. Importantly, the generation of fertilizable oocytes and healthy embryos can immediately betranslated clinically given the existing infrastructure for in vitro fertilization.
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