Porco, T C; Blower, S M (1998) Quantifying the intrinsic transmission dynamics of tuberculosis. Theor Popul Biol 54:117-32
Bacchetti, P (1997) Incidence of HIV-related deaths in the United States: seasonality and trend. Stat Med 16:645-52
Sanchez, M A; Blower, S M (1997) Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of the basic reproductive rate. Tuberculosis as an example. Am J Epidemiol 145:1127-37
Fusaro, R E; Bacchetti, P; Jewell, N P (1996) A competing risks analysis of presenting AIDS diagnoses trends. Biometrics 52:211-25
Blower, S M; Small, P M; Hopewell, P C (1996) Control strategies for tuberculosis epidemics: new models for old problems. Science 273:497-500
Bacchetti, P (1996) Reporting delays of deaths with AIDS in the United States. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol 13:363-7
Jewell, N P; Kalbfleisch, J D (1996) Marker processes in survival analysis. Lifetime Data Anal 2:15-29
Blower, S M; McLean, A R; Porco, T C et al. (1995) The intrinsic transmission dynamics of tuberculosis epidemics. Nat Med 1:815-21
Blower, S M; van Griensven, G J; Kaplan, E H (1995) An analysis of the process of human immunodeficiency virus sexual risk behavior change. Epidemiology 6:238-42
Service, S k; Blower, S M (1995) HIV transmission in sexual networks: an empirical analysis. Proc Biol Sci 260:237-44
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